Save, Spend, or Give

Tools That Can Help You Find Your Way
There are only three things you can do with your money – you can save it, you can spend it, or you can give it away. Explore the following free tools 3Nickels offers to teach you how you should save, spend and give your money in order to reach your financial goals.

Make plans today for the lifestyle you want tomorrow. You’re never too young to start planning for your future. In fact, starting to save earlier has a dramatic effect on how much you’ll have when you stop working.
Helpful Tools
- Why Save Now?…Even if You’re in Your 20’s
- Retirement Income Quick Tool
- IRA Fee Checker

Take control of your debt. Gain insight into your total debt and form a plan to eliminate your debt your way.
Helpful Tools
- Debt Pay Off Strategy
- Debt Consolidation Tool
- How Much Debt Can Your Income Support?
- The Real Cost of Debt

Make a plan to save for your goals so that you can achieve your dreams. Keep track of your progress towards these goals and see how you can pay less in taxes.
Helpful Tools
- Create a Savings Plan
- Inflation Calculator

Look at your finances holistically and see how much you’re saving, spending and giving. Set up an automatic bill pay plan and pay bills without the stress.
Helpful Tools
- Budget Quick Tool
- 25 Easy Ways to Cut Spending

Shop your credit card options and browse credit card gotchas so that you can make an informed purchasing decision and easily manage your credit.
Helpful Tools
- Credit Card Pay Off Quick Tool
- Credit Card Gotchas

Get help and advice on efficiently saving for college – yours or someone else’s. Look at college savings plans such as a UGMA, UTMA, or 529.
Helpful Tools
- Cost of College
- How to Fund College
- Types of College Savings Plans
- How to Gift College
- College Savings Charts

Take the stress out of buying or selling a house. Gain confidence with advice on whether you should rent or buy and on finding a home value within your means. Make a plan for refinancing and paying off your mortgage.
Helpful Tools
- Should I Rent or Buy?
- Cost of Living Comparison
- How Much House Can I Afford?
- Buying a House Checklist
- Mortgage Pay Off Plan
- Sell My House Checklist
- Home Sale Net Proceeds
- Mortgage Refinance Checklist
- Mortgage Refinance Calculator
- Mortgage Rates

Find out the true cost of a car and see comparisons of paying cash, financing, or leasing. Get advice on which ride you should choose for your needs and budget. Gain insight into auto insurance.
Helpful Tools
- Car-Buying Checklist
- Auto Lease Calculator
- Auto Loan Calculator
- Should I Finance or Pay Cash for My Car?
- How Much Car Can I Afford?
- Most Popular Cars
- Collision Insurance Breakeven Tool
- What You Need to Know About Auto Insurance

Everyone will face healthcare costs. Dissolve the mystery around health insurance and learn the differences among FSA, HSA, and HRA. Pick an insurance plan that’s right for you and create a savings strategy for your healthcare.
Helpful Tools
- Types of Health Insurance
- Health Insurance Checklist
- HSA Calculator

Not sure where to start with your giving? That’s OK, we have some suggestions! Be encouraged, you’re probably already giving more than you realize. Learn how you can save in taxes and grow your giving. Create a personalized plan for reaching your giving goals.
Helpful Tools
- Introduction to Giving
- Tax Benefits of Donations
- Create a Giving Plan
- Presents Savings Plan
- Search for a Charity

Learn some common investing terms and understand the costs involved. 3Nickels Advice can provide the help you need to optimize your portfolio’s asset allocation at a low cost.
Helpful Tools
- Basic Investing Terms

Manage your existing debt or find the right loan for your needs.
Helpful Tools
- Personal Loan Checklist
- Personal Loan Calculator